Saturday, November 20, 2010

Start working on your “employer value proposition” now!

If you are involved in employer branding, you have noticed that this field is becoming more and more crowded. Professional services firms – whose only product is their talent – have tripled their business the last decade, which means that they are even greater competitors for talent today.

Furthermore, despite financial crises, a wider variety of companies are working with employer branding than ever before in 2010. Everyone is doing it, from Google to governments, from super-sized corporations to mid-size regional employers. They are all fighting for talents - as you are. And the war for talent isn’t just a war about people; it’s a demographic too. In Norway, the last five years, Cities and regions have been branding themselves against each other, trying to attract the ideal talent and families for their region.

We are facing two main challenges in the future: First, the aging population, which leads to scores of workers going into retirement. Second, the shortages of crucial skills among workers. According to a survey I read some years ago, conducted by the global business research organisation Conference Executive Board , I remember they stated that the quality of applicants is 10 per cent lower now than it was a decade ago. So, what can you do to put up a good fight?

The answer is: “Start with your employer value proposition”! This is the foundation for all other employer branding work. If you ensure that it is distinctive, true and long-term, it will act as your own Force and keep you powerful.

Good luck!


  1. This is such an interesting area and especially for businesses that are quite diversified.

    I speak to a lot of large companies in London who are known for their core offering or product and it actually really makes it difficult for the sub divisions to attract relevant talent in the other less well known departments or subsidiaries as a result.

    I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on how companies should handle this problem?

    Colm Hannon

  2. Thanks for your comment! And very interesting issue. It depends also of course on which brands we are talking about. I am in London once a month. Why don’t we meet? If you connect with e on LinkedIn, we could try to find a time for a coffee. I look forward to hearing from you! Best, Carlo
